Than useful food fibers

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Ballast substances - fibers, which are so rich in many fruits and vegetables - in fact, not ballast. They were very long and undeservedly considered useless, since the intestines practically do not extract any energy from them, and they are simply withdrawn. But today doctors and nutritionists know that the fibers are very useful for health.

Their high intake helps prevent various diseases, so they must be an integral part of nutrition. As a guide: for adults it is recommended to eat at least 30 grams of fiber per day.

What is dietary fiber

Dietary fiber is rich in fiber and is, basically, an ingredient in plant foods. In products of animal origin, it is rarely present.

Dietary fibers are soluble in water and insoluble. Both groups have different characteristics. The soluble group includes, for example, pectins, inulin and beta-glucans, insoluble is cellulose.

Benefits of fibers

Insoluble fibers are able to absorb water and swell in the intestines. This increases the volume of the stool and causes rapid transport of intestinal contents. Thus, the fibers help digestion and can prevent constipation.

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Soluble fibers also attract water. But they are broken down by bacteria of the large intestine. Ballast substances are food for the intestinal flora.

Although cellulose is practically not digested in the gastrointestinal tract and its components do not enter the blood, their effect has far-reaching consequences. Already in the stomach, it increases the volume of the content, thereby delaying its passage and providing a feeling of satiety for a long time. This helps prevent obesity and helps maintain normal weight. Who wants to lose weight, must certainly have in the diet dishes with dietary fiber.

The blood sugar level after taking such food rises more slowly, while less insulin is released. This is especially useful for people with diabetes, for this reason, doctors and nutritionists recommend that they eat fortified foods more often. Nutrition with a high volume of fiber reduces the risk of getting diabetes. In particular, the results of a number of studies prove the protective effect of whole grains.

Vegetative fibers bind bile acids involved in the digestion of fat in the intestine. This gives a good preventive effect against colon cancer. A large survey of studies has shown that a diet with a sufficient fiber content helps reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer.

Researchers from Harvard University surveyed more than 700,000 participants and concluded that the mortality rate is significantly reduced if a person consumes a sufficient amount of dietary fiber. Who ate at least 70 grams of whole grains daily, reduced the threat of early death from serious diseases by about 20%.

Fruits, vegetables, cereals - the main sources of fiber

Fibers are mainly found in fruits, vegetables and cereals. The latter is better to use in a whole-grain form, because most of the fibers are in the outer layers of grains. When buying bread, rice or pasta, make sure that they are whole grains.

Beans, peas, cabbages are vegetables with a sufficient amount of plant fibers. But there are people who do not tolerate these products very well. They are experts in nutrition offer to eat those fruits and vegetables that like and are well tolerated. It is useful already that the food is diverse, because different plant fibers have different effects.

To get enough fiber, three to four slices of whole wheat bread, a serving of cereals and five servings of fruits and vegetables are recommended every day.

Slowly increase fiber intake!

If you dramatically change the diet, immediately introducing into it a large number of foods with dietary fiber, the body will react first by increased gas generation, bloating and rumbling of the intestine. The gastrointestinal tract should first get used to such a change. Over time, these unpleasant symptoms will disappear. Some suffer, but experts advise to increase the amount of fiber gradually, checking the tolerance of the body and giving him the opportunity to get used to the new food.

If the reaction to legumes and cabbage does not stop, you need to eat them moderately. Rye bread is offered instead of rough bread. It has three times more fiber than white. Vegetable soups are also useful: they are easily digested and contain, in addition to fiber, a lot of liquid.

Do not forget about sufficient drinking while consuming fibers: in the absence of contraindications for diseases, about 1.5 liters of fluid per day is enough.

Nutrition and Health
  • Apr 18, 2018
  • 90
  • 385