What food is useful for diarrhea

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In people, diarrhea is called diarrhea, and physicians give approximately this definition of this pathology: a symptom of an intestinal disorder characterized by a single or multiple liquid stool. There is diarrhea, mainly when moving through the intestines of liquid masses, which simply do not have time to suck in the blood.

Causes of diarrhea occurrence

Diarrhea can suddenly start when using poor-quality and rough food, severe stress, great excitement, poor stomach performance. In addition, the appearance of diarrhea can be associated with diseases of the pancreas, liver, and stomach.

Sometimes a loose stool occurs due to the fact that a protective reaction is activated in the stomach, as a result of which all low-quality and harmful food begins to be excreted. Another common cause of the appearance of a liquid stool is the inflammatory process in the intestinal mucosa, which arises from the processes of vital activity of lamblia and other protozoan parasites living in the human body.

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Products recommended for diarrhea

Those who have suffered diarrhea, it is recommended to use special fixing products that will restore the natural intestinal microflora and improve the suction function of excess internal fluid. Doctors and nutritionists in such cases prescribe a diet number 4, whose goal is to reduce the processes of fermentation of the intestine and calm the mucous membranes.

According to this diet, all food should be thoroughly grinded, boiled or steamed. Include in your diet for diarrhea you need warm liquid and semi-liquid food. Such food is not appointed by chance, since it minimizes the impact of thermal, mechanical and chemical stimuli on the intestines.

If there is diarrhea in the first two or three hours, much attention should be paid to drinking, since with diarrhea, too much fluid leaves the body, resulting in dehydration. In addition, with diarrhea, useful salts and minerals are washed out from the body, without which all vital organs and systems can not function properly. Therefore, with diarrhea it is recommended to use herbal teas, black tea with freshly squeezed lemon juice, apple juice, mineral alkaline, slightly warmed water, and also saline solutions "Gastrolit" and "Regidron".

If diarrhea lasts several days in a row, or is accompanied by other anxiety symptoms( abdominal pain, fever, weakness, and others), then do not try to fight it with improvised means at home. In such cases, urgent medical attention is needed!

Nutrition and Health
  • Apr 17, 2018
  • 79
  • 323