What happens to the body when you miss a meal

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In the morning, you do not feel hunger until you finally wake up, skip lunch, eat dinner, and it seems to you that it's ok, it's okay? But you are mistaken. That's what happens to your body when you miss a meal.

Maybe you will lose weight, but you will be trapped by

. Perhaps, it seems to you, the fewer calories per day you use, the more you will lose weight - and, therefore, from the diet point of view, the food intake is absolutely normal? This is a deceptive belief.

Studies show that weight loss resulting from skipping meals during the day gives only a very short-term effect. In addition, with such nutrition, you will gain especially dangerous visceral fat. In addition, for your weight loss will be, mainly, loss of muscle mass, not fat.

Maintenance of inflammation

From arthritis to heart disease. .. Many diseases are associated with chronic inflammatory processes. And, skipping meals, in accordance with the research of the National Academy of Sciences, you increase the likelihood of occurrence and intensification of inflammatory processes in your body.

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Nutrient deficiency

The nutritional deficiency associated with missed meals leads to a feeling that you are constantly tired, think harder and slower, you can not concentrate, and you get a number of other health problems. Your body can function normally only when you give it enough protein, vitamins, minerals, and, of course, fats and carbohydrates.

Increased risk of certain diseases

If you regularly skip breakfast, you "invite" big problems. A study at the Harvard School of Public Health found that people skipping breakfast are exposed to a 20% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In addition, the risk of heart disease increases as a result of an increase in the level of "bad" cholesterol.

Filling the stomach with a fast food

According to a study conducted at Cornell University, fast food is fed by 3/4 people who skip meals. And about the harm of this food is said so much that there is probably no need to repeat it.

Lack of energy for sports training

Low blood sugar, associated with missed meals, negatively affects your physical and mental energy. You will not have the strength to move enough and, thus, to train. And this, in turn, will negatively affect both your figure and your mood.

Nutrition and health
  • Apr 17, 2018
  • 73
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