Menstrual cycle diet

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The so-called premenstrual syndrome, or shortly PMS, causes a lot of trouble for women, since it is associated with natural biological rhythms. Meanwhile, its negative impact can be reduced or reduced to a minimum. Achieve this can be a special approach to nutrition.

It is best to break a monthly diet for four weeks, and eat, following this schedule. If your cycle is stably longer than or less than the "standard" 28 days, then, accordingly, you must proportionally increase or decrease the duration of each segment of the diet.

1st week of the cycle

These days it is better to reduce the calorie content of the diet as much as possible. Try to reduce the consumption of fatty, floury, salty, sweet and heavy fried foods. Potatoes, rice, an abundance of white bread should be excluded. This week, starting from the first day of menstruation, in the body of a female blood depot is somewhat reduced in reserves, so lean on food rich in iron: buckwheat, red meat, liver, green apples.

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2nd week of the cycle

During this period, continue to adhere to dietary nutrition in accordance with the rules of the first week, but you can vary the menu with vegetables and fruits. Broccoli, kohlrabi, Chinese salad, white cabbage, red and Brussels sprouts during this period will save you from the risk of mastopathy and unnecessary activity of "bad" cells. Cereals, dishes from sprouted cereal seeds will enrich your blood with folic acid, so necessary for normal hematopoiesis and proper production of female hormones.

3rd week of the cycle

The third part of the cycle begins the second stage of the diet, the basis of which should be products with a low glycemic index. It is brown rice, better unpolished, bread with cereals from rough processing, vegetables with coarse fiber. In this period it is very good to start drinking vitamin E in capsules or fish oil, or simply by a teaspoon of flaxseed, sunflower and olive oil. This vitamin is fat-soluble and does not allow the destruction of progesterone. Vegetable dishes are always a priority, especially since vitamin C improves the adaptation of the endometrium to progesterone.

4th week of the

cycle During this period, overstrain and a bad mood are very noticeable. Appears puffiness and pain in different parts of the body. Now, paradoxically, you need to introduce into the diet starch-containing foods( whole grains, rice, pasta, potatoes, corn, eggplant, apples), but the use of protein foods to reduce. This meat, fish, chicken, eggs, sausages. During this period it will be right to add to the diet a nutritional supplement with ginkgo biloba, which copes well with antioxidant protection. Magnesium and zinc are needed at this time no less than other vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, increase the caloric content of the diet due to the intake of seeds, sesame, nuts, and seaweed into the body.

Following the basic principles of this technique, remember that meat is better baked, not fried;tea and coffee to drink without sugar. Salt, sugar, substitutes, fat is better at all to exclude from your menu, then the symptoms of PMS will pass by you.

Nutrition and health
  • Apr 17, 2018
  • 62
  • 407