Should sugar be excluded from the diet?

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Scientists have calculated that on average every person in the world eats 22 teaspoons of sugar daily. But what about the widely held opinion that sugar is not the most useful product for human health and it is better to use its natural substitutes, or completely eliminate it from the diet?

We are all familiar with this product from childhood, let's understand together.

The most harmful - the "hidden" sugar

First of all, you should pay attention to products that contain sugar to improve taste. Thanks to the care of the producers and our enthusiasm for such products, the amount of sugar consumed per day is much higher than the allowable limits. Practically, a jar of ketchup contains a third of this sugar package. You can add to this sweet drinks and other products, in which the sugar is included in the "disguised" form, so we often do not guess its availability. And this, ultimately, inevitably leads to the appearance of excess weight and a variety of related diseases.

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Natural sugar in many fruits makes these products very useful for our body, but here you need to know the measure, which is the basis of good health and slender waistline. The cause of the disease "diabetes" is not sugar itself, as it is commonly believed. Overeating underlies this disease. When you get an uncontrolled amount of food, the body is forced to produce a lot of insulin, to convert complex carbohydrates to glucose, ultimately inevitably increases blood sugar, which causes diabetes.

Benefits and Harms of Sugar

Increased sugar in the blood and its excessive consumption contributes to the early aging of the skin. The elasticity of the skin supports the protein - collagen, it controls sugar. The more sugar we consume, the less this control becomes and the skin ages faster.

Sugar, by the way, is completely unrelated to hyperactivity in children. A person receiving adrenaline rush in a stressful situation undergoes greater stimulation.

Sugar itself is not the cause of excess weight, and completely eliminate it from the diet is not necessary. Do not overeat, adhere to the correct regime of the day and nutrition and you will be spared from the process of converting carbohydrates into fatty deposits.

Sugar lowers insulin levels in the blood, which leads to fatigue and causes a feeling of hunger. Do not overdo it, otherwise you can not avoid extra pounds.

Do not pay attention to advertising brown sugar. It is, of course, slightly more useful than white, since it contains a small amount of vitamins and trace elements. But its caloric content and glycemic index is not less.

Since ancient times, people have linked sweet food with nutrition and harmlessness. Many people just adore the sweet, for it answers the gene, which determines the love for everything sweet. Despite all the contradictions, the value of sugar for the body is obvious. It is important only not to abuse it. Know the measure in everything and be well!

Nutrition and health
  • Apr 15, 2018
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