Effective cures for hemorrhoids: a review of the best drugs

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Almost 40% of patients who consult a proctologist, suffer from hemorrhoids. This is a fairly common disease that is characterized by an expansion of varicose veins of the rectum, while hemorrhoids are also formed.

This brings discomfort and pain, the disease progresses slowly, but in an advanced stage it may require immediate surgery by surgeons.


  • Complex of medications used
  • Suppositories - and treatment and prevention
  • Tablets medicines
  • Best ointments and gels
  • If the patient is a man
  • How to help pregnant and lactating women?
  • It is interesting and useful - the opinion of the suffering

Complex of used medicines

It is necessary to consider groups of drugs that can be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Each of the groups has a special impact and indications for use, so the use of each of the medications is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Drug Groups:

  1. Benzopyrones .These medications are suitable for both treatment and prevention of the disease. They are drunk on courses prescribed by a doctor if there are symptoms such as itching or burning of the anus. They are also used in the presence of anal fissures, preparations of the benzopyron group are characterized by a rapid healing effect.
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  2. Spasmolytics .This type of drugs helps to reduce pain and discomfort, muffle unpleasant sensations.
  3. Preparations based on heparin .Ointment and combined preparations help to expand the veins of the rectum and reduce the hemorrhoidal nodes in the anus.
  4. Anti-inflammatory drugs .Means with anti-inflammatory effect not only treat hemorrhoids, but also help to reduce pain, if any.
  5. Drugs for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract .Hemorrhoids can sometimes be associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which cause inflammation and pain. This is due to the impaired consistency of feces, poor digestion.
  6. Phlebotonics .The safest drugs, which consist of natural components and regulate the venous blood flow.
  7. Enzymes of .Natural drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve spasms of the rectum.

Suppositories - and treatment and prevention

Most often in the treatment of hemorrhoids used candles. They are used in combination with tablets or ointments, but since they have an effect on the problem from the inside, the result also appears more quickly. Inflammation passes, and the pain subsides.

Candles that relate to the group of benzopyron drugs are well proven. They are used on the prescription of the doctor for several days( usually 5-10 days).

The best cures for hemorrhoids in the form of suppositories:

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  1. Nigepan and Osteestin are prescribed for an uncomplicated disease with pronounced pain sensations. They have an anti-inflammatory effect. Candles of oestesin contain heparin, which helps to relieve swelling and widen the veins of the rectum, while Nigepan contains lidocaine. The use of these drugs is very effective if the disease has not yet been started, and the patient has promptly consulted a doctor.
  2. Proctoglivenol and Relief should be used for bleeding, since along with other things they have a vasoconstrictive effect.
Candles Relief and Proctogliolol used during pregnancy( especially in the early stages) is contraindicated, should consult a doctor.


The most commonly prescribed antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the focus of infection and pain.

The use of antispasmodics is not always effective, often pain returns, and the constant use of such drugs can cause peptic ulcer or gastritis.

It is best to choose tablets based on plant substances. These can be tablets of a group of enzymes or phlebotonics.

The main drugs that have an effective effect on the body with hemorrhoids:

  1. Detralex .Phlebotrophic drug that regulates venous blood flow, reduces pain and acts favorably for inflammation in the rectum, dissolving hemorrhoids.
  2. Troxevasin .Tablets that are not recommended for pregnant women. Their active substance is a ruton. With its help, the tone of the veins and blood flow are regulated.
  3. Glivenol .The drug for strengthening the vessels and walls of the rectum, synthetic.
  4. Flebodia .Tablets to restore normal blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels.
  5. Nayz .Anti-inflammatory drug that has antispasmodic effect.

The best ointments and gels

There are several effective ointments and gels from hemorrhoids that will help the patient to quickly get on their feet and defeat the disease:

  1. Heparin ointment .Ointment with the main active substance is heparin. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also kills sickly bacteria, and also helps to quickly reduce the nodes of hemorrhoids.
  2. Ointment of Vishnevsky .This ointment is used for many inflammatory diseases, purulent inflammation and in other cases. Not an exception and hemorrhoids. Apply ointment should be in the form of compresses with external hemorrhoids. Ointment is allowed to apply to pregnant lactating women.
  3. Troxevasin .Ointment, which will help to cope with the prolapse of the rectum. It is prescribed even in the most neglected cases to restore the tone.
  4. Chinese Ointment .The preparation contains an exclusive component - musk. It helps to calm the pain and reduce discomfort in the rectum.
  5. Gel from bags under the eyes .Since the gel is for the eyes, it helps restore normal blood flow and relieve swelling. The drug is good for treating diseases that are associated with the rectum, because it acts very gently and gently.

If the patient is a male

As a rule, hemorrhoids are more common in men. Harmful habits, as well as low physical activity, contribute to the development of harmful bacteria in the rectum, as a result of which a person directly faces such a nuisance.

At the very beginning of the disease it is important to choose good drugs. As drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids in men, along with the above, are used:

  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Ibuklin;
  • Bezornil;
  • Troxerutin and Troxevasin for improving the tone of the veins.

How to help pregnant and lactating women?

Pregnant women or nursing mothers are the most vulnerable group of patients who need a special approach, because they are responsible not only for themselves, but also for their children.

Women in the position are strongly recommended throughout the treatment to see a doctor and consult about each drug that is planned to be used.

Pregnant with hemorrhoids are allowed such medications:

  • Ultraprotect for inflammation and pain;
  • Ginkor Procto for improving blood circulation and restoring blood flow in the veins;
  • sea buckthorn candles are natural candles that will relieve inflammation and reduce discomfort.

Interesting and useful - the opinion of the suffering

What kind of cure for hemorrhoids really effective will help to find out the patients' feedback.

The drug Natalside was prescribed to me by my doctor. After birth, I encountered hemorrhoids and was very frightened by the appearance of blood, because now I am also a nursing mother.

I did not bring candles with sea-buckthorn berries, I was at a loss. But Natalsid gave a result in a couple of days. All the symptoms began to pass!

Our readers recommend!
For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. Opinion of doctors. .. »

Oksana, Moscow, 33 years

The drug Gepatrombin has been very helpful in the fight against hemorrhoids. There were severe pains, pains and itching, but after using candles everything went away.

Eugene, 45, Peter

And I was helped by glycerin candles, they are safe and perfectly saved me in the fight against this problem! I suffered from constipation, there were severe pains. But since glycerin suppositories have a laxative effect, it became much easier for me.

Irina, Krasnodar, 31 year

Hemorrhoids are a serious illness that can lead to complications if not done. After consulting with a doctor, you will surely find a good medicine .

The peculiarity of the treatment of the disease is the need for complex therapy.

If the hemorrhoids showed themselves during pregnancy or feeding a child, they are not afraid, because modern medicine can do anything.

There are many drugs with natural ingredients that will help overcome all the symptoms of the disease in the shortest possible time.

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  • Feb 28, 2018
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